Well, this is one of those posts that is a result of all of that tossing and turning one night. It's a recipe I got from a friend at least twenty years ago. But I had to share it because it's sooo good that I know you will love it. You won't believe how easy this one is. Oh, and did I mention DELICIOUS!
You can freeze this in portion containers for months and it will be as crisp as the day you made it. It's unbelievable. If you like relishes and pickles you will love this.
Awesome Refrigerator Cucumber Relish
From Paulie in Vista, CA
For the sauce
2 c. sugar
1 tsp. celery seed
1 tsp. mustard seed
1 c. vinegar
Mix all of the above ingredients together in a medium saucepan. Bring to boil and allow it to cool.
For the vegetables
In another large bowl, mix:
6 c. sliced, peel cucumbers
1 c. green &/or red peppers, thinly sliced
2 c. yellow onion, halved and sliced
1 c. celery, sliced into 1/4" pieces
1 c. carrots, thinly sliced (optional)
1/2 tsp. salt
Allow vegetable mix to blend for at least 1/2 hour. Mix vegetables with vinegar mixture. Refrigerate at least one day to allow flavors to blend. This will keep in the refrigerator up to one month. May be frozen and will stay crisp even after being frozen. Or, you might want to can this in a water bath following manufacturer's directions. I like to package this in small plastic containers and freeze for those months when cucumbers are pretty pricey!
I would love to hear your thoughts once you try this, so leave me a comment and let me know.
Bon Appetit!
I'll try this as soon as I get back from Wisconsin. This is exactly the kind of stuff we love to eat in my house! Thanks